Saturday, January 15, 2005

Things to take while leaving for foreign country

I wanted to search for a webpage which gives me info what things an indian need to take when he leaves for a foreign country. I gave following keywords to reach to a good site.

pickle masala admission shirts pants

why?? pickle is the best way to avoid cooking. Masala is used for cooking. Admission: problem comes only for newly admitted students. Shirts and pants are must while leaving. Cool .. right??!!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Security Link

I tried to search for a security related govt body link (other than given in whihc few months back I came accross. But I could not get any link as I dont remember the name of the organization. I have seen in NAS. I searched for raw

.. which gave directly indian RAW. From which I went to the index of india and found it (National Technical Facilities Organisation).

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I have come back after a long time to this great site. Hopingly I will continue forever.

I have to update my crypto links (
I never updated Malapati's Cryptopath ( after its creation. (although I claimed that that file regularly updated). I dont know when I will look at (edit).

In between I have seen a wonderful site on Japan VISA details. In google to get this site: I used : "what is a visa" site:jp

Twofish algorithm is implemented by B.Schenier. He kept in his site. My friend was searching for it "Twofish block cipher" .. but could not locate the program. Then I searched for Twofish. It came as first result. It is due the reason that program of twofish is very very popular .. should have been linked many sites. So it may have good rank.