- When one create an e-mail, it is likely that one wishes to have by his name. However it is better not to have by name. Because it straightly attracts huge amount of spam.
- One can always know by looking at subject whether it is spam or intended message, if one keeps e-mail ids such as some english words (eg. blueeye, blacklooks, visit.me, interested etc) . Because those sapmmers use their programs to send message by referring sender by his e-mail id. Whereas human does never.
- Another thing is never subscribe to services to such as free greetings, free namesdatabase, etc. Instead you maintain one mail id which only attracts spam. However you can give your mail id to established organizations such as Google, Yahoo, MSN etc.
- Crucial thing is : always let your friends know what is your fwd (greetings) mails id and personal mail id (wherein just personal communications happens).
To be contd..
OSP India Information Security Private Limited (OSP Global, LLC)
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